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What is cardiac rehabilitation?
Cardiac rehabilitation is a medically supervised and individualized program designed to improve cardiovascular health in those who’ve experienced a heart attack, heart failure and angioplasty or heart surgery.

The program consists of 36, one-hour sessions that span about three months. During that time, we have the privilege of knowing our...

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Stroke remains the leading cause of death among all Americans, with more than 795,000 people in the United States experiencing a stroke annually. Many risk factors of stroke can be treated, modified or controlled; however, some cannot.

These are called controllable vs. uncontrollable risk factors:

Controllable Risk Factors

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Heart disease
  • ...
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Preventive care consists of measures taken for disease prevention. It is the most important step you can take to manage your health. Many of the highest risk factors leading to illness and early death are preventable. Examples of preventive healthcare include cancer screening, vaccinations, healthy eating and not smoking.

The opportunity to be healthy is not afforded to everyone, especially in communities of color, where chronic diseases occur at higher rates and severity. Language barriers, lack of insurance...

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Every nine seconds, someone in the United States sustains a brain injury, and according to the Brain Injury Association of America, one in every 60 Americans is living with the long-term effects of brain injury. After a brain injury, patients may experience cognitive, psychological and physical deficits that have a profound effect on their day-to-day life. Access to quality rehabilitative care after brain injury is crucial. Rehabilitation removes as many barriers as possible between the individual and their recovery goals, including maintaining their independence,...

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As a result of new information regarding the relationship between the cardiovascular system and COVID-19, there’s been a lot of chatter around the question of should you consider a heart scan after recovering? Answers vary depending on the individual and the severity of their stint with the virus.

If you had a mild case, or you were asymptomatic, experts do not believe it’s necessary to get a heart scan before resuming activity. However, for individuals who had a severe case of COVID-19, or for those who were hospitalized with the virus, it’s advised that you do not return to...

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New Year’s resolutions offer an opportunity to reassess what areas of your life could use a change. For many, this includes eating healthier or losing weight. While good-intentioned, our approach to dieting often leaves us feeling restricted, and we lose motivation within a few weeks.

So how can we set goals that actually stick? Clinical dietitian, Allie Redding, RD, LD, discusses the best way to accomplish your nutrition goals in 2021.


Is there a...

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This time of year brings many new opportunities. Venturing outside of your comfort zone to create new goals could be something you are ready to take on. If so, there are five steps commonly known as the SMART process to help you get started on the path to success. As you determine what you want to accomplish in 2021, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is my goal specific? Your goal should be clearly defined, leaving no room for ambiguity. The narrower your goal, the more you’ll understand the steps necessary to achieve it.
  2. Is my goal measurable? Include...
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There was a time when people only went to the doctor when they were sick. Today, we now know that preventive healthcare is the key to living a longer, healthier life.

It is important for people to get regular check-ups so they can identify potential health issues before they become a problem. By seeing a physician annually, they are more likely to detect issues earlier. It is important to know that due to constant medical research and advancements in healthcare, we are capable of treating an increasing number of conditions with far greater success than at any other time in human...

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Surgical Thyroid Options

The development of a benign multinodular goiter is a normal aspect of aging and a majority of women will develop goiters later in life. Very few of these nodules are cancer. However, as a result of the increasing use of diagnostic imaging involving the neck, more and more thyroid nodules are discovered; therefore more cancers are being detected in patients.

Two common scenarios are a thyroid nodule is seen on a CT scan with a follow-up thyroid ultrasound or a thyroid ultrasound is ordered because a palpable...

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What types of food to fill up on first?

Holiday eating can feel overwhelming, especially with different food options! Stay on track by starting each meal with a protein source and some veggies. The fiber in vegetables helps fill you up and the protein balances your blood sugar. You may even want to eat a small meal that includes protein and a glass of water a couple of hours before the big meal. 

What is the advised serving size?

When it comes to portions, be mindful of your body’s cues to hunger and fullness. Take a drink of a calorie-free beverage...

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