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Reviews for Michael Y. Ashigbi, MD


Been seeing Dr Ashigbi since around 2003 and I don't ever want to see another. He is so relaxed and calming and actually listens. He has the best bedside manner

   — Teri Hargrove


Dr Ashigbi has patience, insight, sincerity beyond measure. It is so refreshing to see a physician who not only asks a lot of questions but he listens to everything you say. He really cares about his patients and it shows in every way. Compassion, empathy, he is a rare and beautiful person with a seemingly endless wealth of knowledge. I wish he was able to teach others the value of providing this kind of patient experience. He has a real gift and I am better for having spent time with him.

   — Laura Stanford


This is one of the best, kindest, patient, knowledgeable, physicians that I have ever had the honor of meeting and he does this with soul felt compassion. Dr. Ashigbi is the embodiment of the physicians oath. In the oath, the physician pledges to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life. As well as “They should be honest but also offer hope, even when a situation is difficult. And they should help their patients feel empowered to improve their own health.” There is no better description of Dr. Ashigbe. He is just one of the very best, and you are blessed if he is your physician.

   — Kelly Sousa


He is one of the best Doctor's I know, He has a heart of gold & really cares. We admired the way he took care of our Mama for years( Margaret Bridges).

   — Tammy Bridges Yarbrough Box


A very thorough and concerned doctor who takes time to listen to the patient. A real blessing in this busy world. Would highly recommend him.

   — Jim Fox

* Please note this list does not include reviews written by anonymous users