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Abdominal Etching

Dr. Critelli, works with men around the East Texas area to achieve the “fit” look they desire. This includes attaining a “6-pack” with the help of surgery. Abdominal etching surgery enhances the definition of the abdominal muscles by removing excess fat and reshaping the abdominal region to create a sculpted ab appearance. This specialty surgery uses liposuction to accentuate the abdominal rippling effect many men desire. The best candidates for this procedure are men in relatively good shape who desire a more defined abdomen without intrusive scarring. With the help of an experienced surgeon, abdominal etching allows for the renowned “washboard abs” that are sometimes hard to get through diet and exercise alone.

About The Surgery

Abdominal etching is done with a special tumescent liposuction technique. The procedure removes and sculpts fatty tissue residing under the skin. Before the procedure, detailed markings are made of the patient’s flexed abs. During the surgery, small incisions are made within the natural contours of the abdomen. This helps minimize scarring. Through these incisions, fat is removed in some areas, thinned in others, and rearranged to accentuate the abdomen (rectus) muscles and the linea alba (the line running down the center of the abdomen).

During/After Surgery

All male abdominal etching procedures can be performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at UT Health Tyler or done under local anesthesia in the office. The surgery typically lasts about an hour. Following surgery, there will be some swelling and bruising in the abdomen. A compression garment should be worn for 3-6 weeks. Most patients are able to resume a normal work schedule within 1 week and incorporate exercise within 3 weeks. The full effect of surgery should be noticed within 6 months. This surgery allows men increased definition of their abdominals.

Expected Cost

The cost of male abdominal etching surgery varies based on the extent of surgery. Schedule an appointment for a customized consultation with Dr. Critelli to determine the cost of your procedure.


Will I have a "6 pack"?

For the ideal candidate, yes! Many people hope for a “6 pack” and work for years without attaining the desired results. This is caused by a layer of fat covering the muscle. Abdominal etching removes and sculpts this layer of fat, resulting in the desired “6 pack” for most candidates. Patients with muscle tone already present see the greatest results.

Who is the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidate for abdominal etching is a male with up to 20% body fat and preexisting muscle tissue, but who feels let down because he cannot attain “washboard abs”.

Is liosuction always needed?

In most cases, yes. The soft tissue and fat that collects in excess will need to be removed using a liposuction method. There are many liposuction techniques to consider. Some are less invasive and use a mechanism that can help the skin become tighter on the chest wall. These methods can be discussed during your consultation.

What about scarring?

Incisions for this surgery are well concealed. They are usually placed near the areola or in the lines between the abdominal muscles and are typically small enough that scarring is minimized. Over time, the incision lines will fade and become almost nonexistent for most men.