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UT Health Pittsburg installs new Revolution Maxima System

Pittsburg, Texas (February 26, 2024) —  UT Health East Texas installed a new CT scanner at UT Health Pittsburg to better meet the needs of its clinicians and patients.

The new CT scanner, Revolution Maxima, builds upon a powerful platform with core imaging technologies and provides everything needed to get to the right diagnosis the first time. It improves the exam quality on patients with hardware (such as joint replacement), decreases patient breath hold times and reduces time in the scanner.

“This state-of-the-art machine provides more images and of a better quality than previous technology, which greatly improves the diagnostic capabilities,” said Chris Ewing, director of imaging for UT Health Pittsburg. “We’re excited about its potential to impact patient care.”

UT Health Pittsburg CEO Guy Cayo said the scanner is an example of the hospital’s continued investment in the community and commitment to providing quality care close to home. 

“It’s another example of our commitment to seeking innovative technologies that contribute to healthcare excellence for our community,” Cayo said.

For more information on GE Healthcare’s new Revolution Maxima CT system, visit //