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Neck Liposuction

When someone refers to a “double chin”, in many cases, the problem may have nothing to do with the chin, but instead lie within the neck. This exists when there are excess fats deposits that settle below the chin creating the illusion of a secondary chin. Liposuction of the neck as a useful treatment to create a sleeker, slimmer neck and a stronger contour. Patients with loose, sagging skin undergo a neck lift using a skin removal and tightening technique to achieve their desired results.

Neck Liposuction Surgical Technique

During a neck liposuction procedure, a tiny incision is made underneath the chin and a small cannula is inserted so that excess fat deposits can be suctioned. After the desired amount of fat has been removed, small sutures will close the incisions. This procedure leaves minimal scarring. The technique includes a numbing solution that is combined with a substance that helps control bleeding.

About the Surgery

As a supplementary procedure with neck liposuction, a neck lift will correct any loose skin by removing the excess folds and tightening the underlying tissues and remaining skin with sutures. Incisions are placed on the underside of the chin or along the natural neck crease so that scars are not evident when the wounds heal. A neck lift reshapes the neck to create a stronger facial profile.

During/After Surgery

Neck liposuction surgery is always performed at UT Health Tyler with the use of anesthesia. It is typically an outpatient procedure, but patients are advised to have someone stay with them for at least the first 24 hours. It is important to avoid putting any pressure on the neck and patients will be advised to sleep sitting up for a few days. A restricted diet will also be required to help aid healing. The results are often obvious immediately after surgery with optimal improvement seen after a few months.

Expected Cost

Schedule an appointment for a customized consultation with Dr. Critelli to determine the cost of your procedure.


Noticeable scars?

One of the advantages of liposuction of the neck is that it is minimally invasive and the incisions are just enough to insert a small cannula. Therefore, when the incision does heal, the scars are barely noticeable. Additionally, they are placed in areas where they can easily be concealed.

How much fat?

Neck liposuction generally targets smaller areas of fat compared to other parts of the body where liposuction is desired. The surgeon will continue to suction fat cells until the desired outcome as been attained.

Are results long-term?

The fat tissues removed by liposuction are reduced, however this does not mean that new fat tissues cannot develop. When proper diet and regular exercise are neglected, weight gain will most likely compromise the results of the liposuction. Results may be long term depending on the patient’s weight maintenance.